When the girls showed up they all ran upstairs to Alexandra's room to start talking about A Little Princess. I asked if they needed my help and they were quick to tell me no. Of course I had to eaves drop. It was priceless. These girls stayed so focused! They talked about how certain characters lives were shaped by different experiences they had been through. And then they related their own lives to the book. These girls are 5-7 years old! I was impressed! My favorite part was when they were choosing the book for the upcoming month. They all came with ideas and voted on which to read. In case you were wondering the winner was Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
After the discussion the girls came downstairs for some lemonade and cookies. And then they all went in the family room to watch the movie version of A Little Princess. I think they were pleasantly surprised at the different ending.
Later that day we couldn't resist the gorgeous weather and took our children to the park. Elisabeth, who has been couped up indoors since birth loved being outside and feeling the warmth of the sun on her chubby little legs. We tried her in the baby swing, not sure how she would do. She loved it! I think we'll buy an infant swing to hang on our front porch. Lorelai enjoyed the park too and Alexandra.....well....to read about Alexandra's adventures during our outing to the park click here.