Friday, July 3, 2009

Destination: China

We have thoroughly enjoyed studying about China this week. Highlights included eating dinner at a local Chinese restaurant, learning to use chopsticks (Alexandra mastered it), reading about the Great Wall, and making decorative chopsticks to wear in our hair (my favorite activity).

Do you want to make some too? You're in luck:

~A Chopstick Tutorial~

1. Purchase some wooden chopsticks
(we got ours from the restaurant we dined at).

2. Buy some stick-on jewels from your local craft store.

3. Rummage through your garage and find
a small bit of sandpaper.

4. Use the sandpaper to smooth out any rough
edges on the lower end of the chopsticks.

5. Round out the tips as well. This will make it easier
for the chopsticks to slide through the hair.

6. Turn the chopsticks to the squared end.

7. Adorn with jewels of your choice.
I opted for these green and blue gems.

8. Twist hair into a bun and slide a chopstick
through each side to secure.

The perfect summer hair-do!

Next Week: Russia

What's this all about? Click here.

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