Lorelai Leigh's 5th Birthday
A colorful mountain of gifts greeted her in the morning.

And I decorated (once again) with flower pom-poms. I just can't get enough of them. And I have another plan for them....just wait and see.

Lorelai took cupcakes to share with her preschool classmates. Did I ever mention that she is the only girl among 14 boys????? So we definitely didn't want to take goodies that were too 'girlie', if you know what I mean.

When she got home she began trying out her gifts....

....a yellow umbrella (her signature color)....

....a tufted pink storage bench....

....and her new 'Bolt' costume (sewn by my MIL, Susan), because Lorelai lives her life make-believing that she is 'Bolt'. This girl has imagination I tell you.

For dinner we went out to eat with the entire family.

Lorelai enjoyed her moment in the spotlight as they sang to her and presented her with a chocolate mousse dessert.

Back at the house wishes were made....

And that is the story of how my little girl turned 5.