Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The bottom-shaped pear

On Monday, Lorelai was having a rough day. The kind of day where she felt like the middle child; neglected, insignificant, and forgotten. According to Lorelai, life was unfair.

I quickly diagnosed this as too-much-Halloween. She had just made it through a weekend filled with candy, costumes, and staying up late. We were bound to have a grumpy Lorelai on Monday morning. Nevertheless, she was in need of attention, and I needed to give it to her.

So she and I made a stop at the local grocery store to pick up a few odds and ends. As we perused the produce she made a request for pears. So we made a stop at the pears and she began hand-picking her favorites.

That's when I spotted it; just the pear to crack a smile on a 5-year olds face; just the pear to perk up a down-in-the-dumps Lorelai.

What I had found was a pear shaped just like a bottom. I showed it to Lorelai and pointed out the uncanny resemblence.

She busted out in laughter. This was the funniest thing she had ever seen.

It joined the other pears in the bag and we brought it home where Lorelai proudly showed it to everyone else.

And life was happy again.

I am grateful for the smile that the bottom-shaped pear put on Lorelai's face.

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