Tuesday, January 25, 2011

6 Weeks from Today

What I usually do for fun is sit and snap pictures of Elisabeth all day long. No joke.

So last night, as I was looking through the pictures-of-the-day, I was surprised by this one.

Look how her fingers are placed around that dial. It looks like she is getting ready to wind it up, doesn't it?

Unfortunately, it's just trick photography or something, because Elisabeth doesn't understand about things like turning knobs.


...today I am planning on purchasing airplane tickets to North Carolina.

Do you know what is in North Carolina?

Elisabeth's stem cells - at Duke University - just waiting for her to arrive on March 8th.

And who knows, maybe after her sweet little brain soaks up all those glorious stem cells, pictures like this won't be by chance.

{excited for March 8th!}
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