Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In Good Hands

One thing that I've been grateful for since day 1 of Elisabeth is the knowledge that the older girls will grow up feeling comfortable around handicapped people. To them, Elisabeth is just Elisabeth...they don't ever think about the fact that she's different from other 3 1/2 year olds. I also love and appreciate their comfort level with all things medical. Medications, feeding tubes, and of course...seizures.

Seizures are a part of daily life at the Sorenson home. They are just...normal. I always get a chuckle at how the girls will call me so nonchalantly when Elisabeth is having an episode, "Mom.....Lizzie's having a seizure again...." as plainly as if they were telling me that they were going outside to play.

But yesterday I noticed that it has gone to a whole new level of comfort. A level where they feel that they can handle the situation on their own - without me. I was in my bathroom putting on makeup and I heard Lorelai say, "Are you okay, Elisabeth?" and a moment later, "here, let's sit you up." I went and peeked around the corner where I saw Lorelai lovingly tending to her baby sister.

"Did she have a seizure?" I asked.

"Yep." Lorelai answered casually.

And that was it. Lorelai had the situation totally and completely under control. And I realized how wonderful it is. That Alexandra and Lorelai are so comfortable with Elisabeth; so at ease with it all; and so willing to jump to her rescue when they see her in need.

Yes, she is in good hands.

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