Wednesday, June 15, 2011

An International Potluck

I knew before I ever had children that I wanted them to be multi-lingual. Partly because I only speak one language and think it would be beneficial to know one or two more. And also because I thought it would be so adorable to hear my own children rambling on in a foreign tongue. So, to make my dream a reality, we enrolled our children in the Spanish dual language program at the public school (See last Friday's post). And - to throw a third language into the mix - Alexandra started studying French at The World Language House this past January.

Last night, The Language House hosted an international potluck. All the students from all the different classes came and brought food from another country.

All I can say is....yum.

And since we are being culturally aware here at The Far Side of Complexity today, how about another segment of....

Around the World with Jennifer

She is guest posting again today from the island of Bali:

Yesterday, Carole, my roommate said, "Jenn, let's go to the supermarket..." so we set off, not knowing how we were to get there or in what direction it was... I decided to stop at this food stand / home of a Balinese family and ask to borrow their motorbike/scooter. Well, nobody spoke English but finally a man came out that could discern that I wanted to rent his motorbike for one hour. He smiled, gave me the keys, the registration card, two helmets, and showed me how to work the lights and turn it on (because it was obvious I didn't know what I was doing). I asked, "how much?" and he replied "whatever you think." and away we went to the supermarket asking for directions along the way.

Families and individuals on motorbikes would drive up alongside us and yell, "where you going?!" and then point us in the right direction. The Balinese are so friendly and trusting and there is a general lack of the concept of ownership... Everything is on loan from the earth/god. He wasn't using his bike so he had no problem handing it over. Can you imagine handing over your car to some random foreigner who doesn't speak your language or know how to drive?! Ah, only in Bali :) when we got back we paid him the equivalent of half a days rental in the city. Then he insisted on giving us a ride back to our house on the beach.... Amazing. Probably the most fun I've ever had.

Jennifer arrives home to California next week. I am so excited to hear more about her adventures in Bali! And then next Friday....we're off to Italy!

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