One year ago today I had surgery on my spine.
When I walked into the hospital that day I couldn't stand up straight; I walked with a cane; I was living in agonizing pain.
The surgery was not easy. They entered through my abdomen to access my spine where they fused levels L4 and L5.
The recovery was rough. I walked slow; I wore a brace (for three months); I couldn't bend; I couldn't lift (which was sooo hard considering I have a daughter with severe brain damage). But I survived it all. And once that back brace came off I began to restore my body.
Now here we are, one year later and I am in the best physical shape of my life. I have lost over 20 pounds; I have strengthened my core; I can lift and carry Elisabeth with ease.
I walk away from this experience absolutely in awe. In awe of modern medicine and in awe of the human body. And I am grateful that I was able to recover and will never take for granted the fact that can do things - like put Elisabeth in her wheelchair and lift a gallon of milk.
Life is good.