Friday, December 14, 2012

The List

I found this list laying next to the television. 

It belongs to Lorelai. 


It reads: 

1. furby 
2. gymnastics close/eicuentmente 
3. pillow pet (that lites up) 
4. webkinz 
5. barbie toys and some barbie 
6. boots 
7. art suplise 
8. garbeg (for my room) 
9. Amarican girl doll (mary grace) 
10. Art ezle 
11. camra 
12. chapter books 
13. miky mous stuft anamols 
14. twinkle litse (for my room) 
15. cloths 
16. Zoo Zoo Pets 
17. Pencle sharpener 
18. little table (for my lamp) 
19. watch 
20. plato 

My favorite is #2. That is one heck of a creative way to spell 'equipment'! Can tell they have been studying words that end in 'mente' in Spanish class? Can you also tell from her spelling that she has never studied English in school? Only Spanish. Never fear...she'll catch up :)

Also, I should clarify #8. She doesn't actually want garbage...but rather a garbage can (to throw away all the little scraps of paper that are strewn all over the floor after she gets crafty.)

p.s. Lorelai is a very good girl. I think she might just get a few things from her list...

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