You may or may not have noticed that Elisabeth's teeth are...shall we say...unique; sharp and pointy like a cute little monster (see Halloween post). And then she has this huge, open bite due to her pacifier. But the dentist says not to open bite can interfere with speech and eating...but obviously Elisabeth isn't concerned about her speech and eating habits. So together we decided that she shall have a binky so long as her heart desires.
Anyways, back to that unique little mouth of hers. A few days ago she chomped down on my arm. It hurt - bad. Naturally, I told Elisabeth she was a good girl anyways (she has no idea that chomping down on an arm causes pain).
Now I am left looking like I have had an encounter with a vampire. Her teeth up on top don't actually close down due to that open all that pierced my skin were her little cuspids.
In other news...
I finished reading 11-22-63 by Stephen King last night. Oh my goodness, I cannot even begin to tell you how amazing that book is! I admit...I poked my way through it. Purposefully. I didn't want it to end. But alas, the end finally came and it was brilliant.
Go read it, okay?