I played in a string trio at a wedding today. The chapel was so quaint - I loved it! It reminded me of something straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting.
While the mothers of the bride and groom were being seated I played Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, and - like always when I play - my mind wandered a bit. Mostly, I thought how lucky I am to be a musician. Not everyone gets to earn money doing something they absolutely love. I also appreciate how many different outlets there are for me to perform. Sometimes I am onstage performing a world famous symphony, other times I am in an orchestra pit providing accompaniment for a musical. And then there are times like today, when I get to be a part of someone's wedding - oh, what an honor that is!
I am grateful for the gift of music, grateful for my ability to play the violin, and most of all, grateful for my mom, who saw potential in me and helped nurture my musical instinct into what it is today. Because of her encouragement and ceaseless dedication to me and my music, I get to spend my life doing something that I love. Is there any greater gift that a parent can give their child? I think not.
Thank you, mom.