One of my favorite movies has always been The Parent Trap (I have a thing for the 1960's...especially in the cinematic sense.) My favorite part of that movie is the beginning when the twins meet each other at camp. As a child I was always fascinated by the idea of going to camp - and while I did spend my summers attending an arts academy up in the mountains, it wasn't a crafty-canoeing-sing-around-the-campfire sort of camp.
Anyways, the reason I bring it up is because this past weekend Alexandra and Lorelai left for summer camp. I am SO excited for them. This is their first experience being away from home without parent - and I think that's a really big deal for a child. Here's hoping they have the time of their lives (and that they remember to use the sunscreen and insect repellent that I packed them!)

[Heading off to camp with a fellow camper.]

This is what the family room looks like when you are packing for camp:

In other news...
Last night I put Elisabeth into bed and then brought in her food and meds. While I was tube feeding her, Elsa asked we could read her a book... "Instead of falling asleep because she has a seizure, she should fall asleep because we read her a book."
So...we read her a book, and then Elisabeth drifted off to dreamland - without a seizure.