Thursday, September 3, 2009

| Rambling |

  • I love Elisabeth, have I mentioned that lately?

  • Speaking of Elisabeth, her bum-bum is finally on the mend (after a rough few weeks). Her stitches ended up popping open, but rather than stitch her back up it was decided to just let her heal from the inside out. That's fine, but do you know how hard it is to keep an open wound clean when it is located inside a baby's diaper?

  • To make things worse, Elisabeth has been poopin' like crazy lately! (Sorry if this is grossing you out, but these are my thoughts.)

  • Anyhow, all her messy diapers leave me wondering how a baby that is on an almost all-liquid diet can produce so much poop?

  • Also, I wonder when I will stop calling her a baby?

  • She's almost 2 years old, did you know that?

  • So I suppose that makes her a toddler.

  • She just doesn't toddle.
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