Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day Assembly

The musician.

(waiting backstage.....and looking a little bored if you ask me.)

The audience.

The Performance.

Needless to say that this was one of those moments. The kind where you are sure that your heart is going to burst with pride. Do you know what I mean?

And the icing on the cake for me is that she loves the violin. Really, truly, loves it. Before school, after school, bedtime; she plays non-stop. And more often than not she is carrying around some blank staff paper and a pencil, composing little melodies with the idea of publishing her own student violin primer.

When the assembly was over she was swarmed by people showering her with compliments.....she loved every minute of it. Being in the spotlight is not something she shies away from.

After school a group of children walked by the van. One of them pointed and said, "There she is, there's the girl that plays the violin." They then went on to tell her how good it was, and once again she soaked it all up. The children then walked away and Alexandra squealed, "I'm famous!" to which Lorelai frankly replied, "No you're not."

Leave it to a little sister to put you in your place.

I am grateful for....all of the above.

***You might notice Alexandra's serious face during the performance. She told me that she "tried so hard not to smile because you are not supposed to smile when you are in front of that many people."

And I told her that next time she could.

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