Every year when American Idol narrows its contestants down to 12, my mom and I usually make our prediction list. Now, understand that this list is how I predict the season will play out and does not necessarily list them in the order of my most favorite to least favorite (although Siobhan does in fact happen to be my favorite). So without further ado I give you:
Lisa's Predictions 2010
1. Siobhan Magnus
2. Lee Dewyze
3. Crystal Bowersox
4. Michael Lynche
5. Casey James
6. Paige Miles
7. Aaron Kelly
8. Katie Stevens
9. Didi Benami
10. Tim Urban
11. Andrew Garcia
12. Lacey Brown
Now we'll wait and see how close (or how far off) my predictions fall!
***This list was composed before last nights results show (I Promise).