Yesterday we traveled to Spokane to have Elisabeth's legs examined by the experts. Because she doesn't use them they have started to deform; and we wanted to see what to do about that before it's too late.
Well, after the kind doctor looked at x-rays and examined her and asked about her developmental progress he decided that we should do.....nothing. Nothing at all.
He said a lot of things (in a very polite way), but basically he said that we shouldn't really worry about it since chances are she'll never walk. And if someday years down the road it looks like she might have the potential to stand up (or even walk) we could do something about it then.
And that's it.
I would have called it a wasted day had it not been for a trip to See's Candy. (That more than made up for it.)
On a different subject, Elisabeth's neurologist called on Wednesday night after hearing about Elisabeth's new head banging fascination and developmental regression. He asked that we take her to the ER immediately for a shunt series just in case this could be shunt related.
So we went. And everything looked perfect. The doctor even said, 'I have good news for you' when coming back with the CT results. But do you want to know the truth? I was actually hoping that there was something wrong. I wanted there to be some reason, some explanation as to why she does nothing anymore but pound her head into the ground. And more than finding a reason, I wanted a solution. If it had been her shunt malfunctioning we could have fixed it and life would have been back to normal for Elisabeth.
I even had a dream last night. The neurosurgeon called and said that there was a mistake. He looked at the scans and did see something wrong. So we were about to get airlifted to Spokane for surgery when I woke up.
No answers. I guess that's a common theme lately.
On a happier note, we are having a blast with my sister. Last night she and I went on a wog (walk/jog) and then came home and watched 5 episodes of Modern Family. And of course we were laughing so hard it hurt.
Today we are going to Artsy Fartsy to paint pottery and later we are hoping to hike Badger Mountain. Good times ahead :)
[Elisabeth and Aunt Jennifer at the hospital]