Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Forenson, party of 5"

For the past few months I have been researching airfare for our trip to New York this summer (because I can assure you that we are not going to drive cross-country). Unfortunately, all I could find were sky-high prices. So, I kept putting it off and putting it off; secretly hoping that one day a magically low price would appear.

Well, yesterday I decided that I had procrastinated long enough. I was going to buy our tickets and cross it off my matter how much it cost.

And you are not going to believe what I found......

A miraculous flight from Washington to New York for roughly $125 less than anything I had previously found! When you multiply that by the 5 tickets it's a savings of over $600!!

I immediately went to book our tickets.

But then their website was having issues....

And so I called the airline....

And it took an hour and a half to get the same flight booked for the same fare....

Finally, they emailed me my confirmation....

And I found out that they had booked 5 seats for the 'Forenson' Family....

Who are they??? (lol)

So I spent another long while getting that mess straightened out....

But in the end I was [am] smiling....

5 tickets to New York for the Sorenson's!

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