Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New York Vacation: The Arrival

We Arrived!

Donald looked amazing pulling the new suitcase through the airport (I knew he would). And let me just tell you [once again] how amazing that suitcase is. I managed to pack 7 outfits for 5 people + all the odds and ends. It's big.

The children travelled well with the exception of one little squabble on the first flight. Live and learn, right? From then on we kept them separated.

We met up with my sister Jennifer in Chicago and she caught the final flight with us to New York. When we arrived at our hotel my brother David was already waiting. He had put an envelope on my hotel door that said, 'U-turn'. And then I found another note where he had written, 'all teams have arrived at Niagara for a mandatory pit stop.' I laughed so hard it hurt. We are HUGE Amazing Race fans, can you tell? Have you ever watched The Amazing Race? If not you probably have no idea what I am rambling on about.....

Anyhow, we are at Niagara Falls and we are going to head out soon to take in the view.

One more thing: Why didn't anyone tell me it was humid in New York??? I am a sticky mess and there is no hope for my hair. Oh well.

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