Wednesday, July 6, 2011

On Holiday...

I'm back in the United States, but not finished posting about Italy - so expect to see a few more posts about my European getaway coming later.

Our 4th of July was magical - as it always is. Somehow it felt extra special having just returned from overseas. I am so glad for everything I experienced during the last week+, but it definitely increased my love for my country. The United States of America is a blessed place indeed.

My family and I spent yesterday at Disneyland. It was an extremely successful day. Successful in that there was a Mary Blair exhibit! Oh, I was in heaven!!! Mary Blair - as you may know - is my favorite artist of all time. And to be surrounded by piece after piece of her art was a most spectacular experience. (And yes, I bought a huge print for my house!!)

Today I am heading to the Grand Canyon. Breathtaking views and a mule ride are awaiting me.

Posts will resume next week.

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