[My sister, Jennifer, at the county fair last month.]
Jennifer got her hair cut a few days ago. It is adorable. ADORABLE, I tell you. (refer to picture of us eating at Cheese Louise last week as a reference, not the picture above - lol.)
But...Jennifer didn't think so. It wasn't what she had imagined and definitely wasn't what she had asked for, so she fell into a state of shock/depression.
A little while later we were outside with Elisabeth, buckling her into her wheelchair as we waited for the school bus to arrive. Jennifer looked at Elisabeth and said,
"I know Elisabeth, you're thinking 'Get a real problem Aunt Jenn. Hair grows back, brains don't.'"
I laughed. And laughed. I'm still laughing over it.
In fact, I think that might be my new slogan for life:
Hair grows back, brains don't.
And because Jennifer might not be too happy that I posted that picture up there (but hey - it was perfect for a post about a haircut-gone-wrong), I had better redeem myself. So take a look at this picture:

Oh la la, look at those legs! And those arms! Do you wish you looked like that? Well then, I have good news for you! You can!! Jennifer is opening a yoga studio in Richland next month!!! It's so exciting that I just can't stop using exclamation marks!!!!!
Details to come soon, I promise!!!!
Now go have a good day. And remember - hair grows back, brains don't.