One thing I love about my girls is that they don't just sit around on their bum-bums and watch TV all day. They like to create; they like to think. A few weeks ago they decided to form a little book club. They made invitations, they made membership cards, they planned every detail of how their club would be run. It was adorable.
Only a few girls were able to attend the first meeting, but that didn't discourage them in the least. Alexandra, being co-president of the club, sat in front of them and used one of Elisabeth's red xylophone mallets as a gavel to call the meeting to order. She then followed her very detailed outline as she discussed club business with the girls.
Each girl brought a book to share and recommend. Then they voted on the first official read of The Hawthorne Book Club. The winner: The Power of Poppy Pendle.
And then...refreshments!
In other news...
Elisabeth has been very sick the past few days. Last night I had to change all her bedding - twice. I usually only see the perks to having a forever baby, but I must admit, it would be nice if she knew how to throw up in a bowl...or at least tell me when she feels like she is about to vomit. But that's okay, I still think having a forever baby makes me the luckiest.