Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Tutorial: How to make Lisa mad.

Here is the a little something about me: I am easy going. I don't get upset. I don't get angry. I don't get mad or worked up or offended. It's just not my personality.

Not usually. 

However, there is one thing that absolutely does upset me. That does get me angry and mad and worked up. 


  photo eddbfd23-12d4-4825-8500-b2d0d4b7d190_zps03f9370e.jpg 

Really, people? Parking on the striped lines between the handicapped parking spots? I was shaking I was so mad. How dare they? Do they not realize that that area might just be so that people like me - who have children like Elisabeth - can have wheelchair accessibility? And this was not an isolated incident. I see it all the time. 

For the record, I did wait for the owner of this vehicle. 

And we had a very nice 'chat'.
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