It is Brigitta's Birthday!
As you can imagine, the children have been counting the days...because it's a big deal when your dog turns two!
Naturally, Alexandra baked her a cake. Then we took her on an outing to the local pet store. She was so curious about all the critters behind the glass. That's a two year old for ya!
After sufficiently examining all the mice, hamsters, and birds, Brigitta allowed the girls to play dress up with her. They tried her in a myriad of Halloween costumes. Including this shark ensemble:
When it was time to come home, the girls pooled their money together and bought Brigitta a new dog bed and a superman costume:
P.s. As I type this I hear Elsa upstairs singing Deck the Halls. She's only been in America one Christmas season and already has the carols learned. Now I'm wondering what made her think of it on September 1st??
Fa la la la la la la la la!