On this day, Elsa celebrates 8 years of life.
Often, I wonder what I was doing the day she was born. Most likely I was crying - for it was just four days after they discovered Elisabeth's hydrocephalus via ultrasound. Those were hard days for me. Little did I know while in the depths of sorrow, that not only would Elisabeth live, but another little girl who was just born on the other side of the world would come to be mine, too.
Elsa has brought such joy to our family. She is absolutely the most compassionate person I have ever met. Despite the hardships she has faced, she chooses to live with happiness and optimism. Never does she regret the path her life has followed, nor does she feel resentment or anger due to the losses she has experienced. Instead, she finds the good in all things, all people, all situations. Elsa is an extraordinary person, one that I am proud to call my daughter.
Happy 8th Birthday,
Elsa Lelise