It is my favorite day of the year. When you wake it feels fresh and new. And to make today even better, snow started falling just as daylight came. Soon there was a blanket of white covering the earth, like a blank page.
I also love that today is Sunday which means the year started in church at 8:30 am. Church makes me happy. There is something about the tradition of it all that is so classic. Friends and neighbors congregating together; dressed in our most respectable clothes; teaching and learning and progressing. Yes, it was the perfect place to be on this, the first day of the new year.
I printed these off for the children at church:

A little about me:
Name: Lisa Favorite food: avocado
Age: 36 Favorite activity: reading
Favorite color: green Favorite books: The Giver and 11/22/63
2016 Highlights:
Greatest Lesson Learned: Never ever ever leave coban on my child's arm for 28 hours.
Hardest thing this year: Watching Elisabeth struggle as she recovered from her spinal fusion.
What I loved about 2016: Elisabeth's spinal fusion. Isn't that interesting? The hardest thing was also the best thing. That's how it often is in life. Yes, it was difficult to watch her endure that, but oh, how it has improved her quality of life! She is alert and plays with toys and stays awake all day. It's been miraculous, and quite frankly, I think it saved her life.
Looking forward to 2017:
Want to learn: About bird watching!
Want to get better at: Having dinner planned each night.
Goals for 2017: Carve out time each day to write this blog!

My view as I type this ^.