Monday, January 4, 2010

I turned 30 and it was fabulous.

Here's how it all went down:

Cards and gifts from my family.

Lorelai's card was stuffed with her life savings (Something like $1.72) and Alexandra's just plain cracked me up. I love how she wrote, "man, you're 30 already?" at the bottom.

The day was calm and restful. I did some post-Christmas cleaning and Donald pulled down all the outside Christmas lights. For dinner we went out to eat at Azteca, and this was my meal:

Following dinner we drove home with plans to get the kids all jammied up and tucked into bed. But upon entering my home I discovered that I was not alone! Surprise! Yes, there was....everyone.

So instead of getting the girls jammied up and tucked into bed we partied and I opened gifts and blew out candles and felt like the luckiest person in the world.

And that my friends, is how you turn 30.

Still to come this week:

Lisa's Holiday Awards 2009 (better late than never)

and perhaps...

a fashion show

and maybe...

a New Years re-cap.

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