Saturday, April 7, 2012


I've spent the past weeks keeping vigil at Elisabeth's bedside. I have rarely left this room, at most once a day to get something to eat - at most.

But today I am leaving. Driving the two hours to home so I can fulfill other important motherly setting out Easter baskets, and dressing the big girls in their Sunday best. My heart aches at the thought of abandoning Elisabeth in this state, but my sister will be here to take my place. Jennifer is the only one in the world I would leave her with right now. If a parent can't be here, Jennifer is as close to a substitute as there is. Elisabeth knows her. She knows her voice and the songs she sings. She knows the way she snuggles her close. She knows the safety of Jennifer's arms.

I am grateful to have such a sister; a friend who gives and gives to me as I face these little bumps in the road of life.

Tomorrow afternoon I will return and take my place at Elisabeth's bedside again - and whisper in her ear, 'mama is here'.
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