The stockings were hung on the chairs with care...

Instead of five, I had six stockings to hang this year. And just like that, my mantel wasn't big enough. So I brainstormed, and decided that tying them on the backs of our kitchen chairs would be the perfect solution.

And while we are in the kitchen...let's go around the corner and see the strand of lights hung from underneath the cabinets.

This is one of those times where the picture just doesn't do it justice. If you are looking to add some Christmas cheer to your house, hang lights under your cabinets! It's magical!
And finally, I have been rehearsing this week with the Mid-Columbia Mastersingers for the upcoming performance of Handel's Messiah this weekend! Messiah is one of my all time favorite works to perform, I simply can't get enough of it. (It's the kind of thing I listen to during two hour drives to Spokane). And to think...I get paid to do something I absolutely love.
It is going to be absolutely spectacular, the perfect way to get start off the Christmas season.
Please, please come!