Tuesday, September 30, 2014


It's been a year since I had Elisabeth wear her hair down. Mostly I just put it up in a high bun or ponytail. Sometimes I braid it. But yesterday I decided to let her wear her locks in a more natural state, and this is how it looked:

  photo 2f528cd0-7b23-4bf7-8042-bb42a6eaf0ca_zps3b834000.jpg 

Basically, it can be summed up in one simple sentence:

She's got curls!

Everyone at school commented that she looked much older.
And of course we heard, 'where did she get those curls?!'
Answer: Daddy.

It was fun for the day, but now it's back to the high up piggytail. It keeps it out of her face, off her binky, and most importantly, I am not brushing out a matted mess at the end of the day!

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