Friday, December 4, 2015

Function + Beauty = A Happy Lisa

Behold, the new blender!!!

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At our house, a blender is a big deal. A really, really big deal. With Elisabeth being tube fed, everything must be liquefied to perfection or it won't go through the tube. Our previous blender served us well for years. It was a basic Kitchen Aid model...nothing fancy like the ones being demonstrated at Costco...but even so, it worked amazingly. Whatever I threw into the pitcher almost instantly became liquid: meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables, bread....everything liquefied in a matter of seconds. In fact, it worked so well it led me to wonder why anyone invests in the 'expensive brands' anyway. Needless to say, we went with another Kitchen Aid.

But the best thing about our new is green!!
When something is both functional and beautiful, it makes me extremely happy.

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