Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Blog #2

I am a mother of three young girls, so naturally there are moments everyday that capture my heart, make me laugh, and make me proud.

A few days ago, after telling my mom on the phone about one of these above mentioned moments she said, "I hope that you are writing all of this down."


Yes, I snap pictures like crazy....yes, I record some of my mothering moments on this blog...but there is so much that I do nothing with. And sadly, those moments will be forgotten in years to come.

The perfect solution: a second blog. A place where I can can quickly type up the moment before it's gone forever. A blog that will be solely dedicated to the preservation of my children's childhood memories. And better yet, once a year I will have my posts published into a book here so that the memories can be passed on for generations to come.

My new blog can be found at:

The Far Side of Complexity will remain the same and will continue to be my main source for blogging.

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