Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thoughts on Contention

There have been several times this week where I have witnessed contention. The most recent was tonight at my rehearsal. The conductor and a cellist had a bit of a blow up. Talk about an uncomfortable rehearsal from that point on.

And now I find myself sort of down. Why do people argue over the silliest things? Look at us. We are so lucky. We live in America. We enjoy a high standard of living and modern technology. Our lives are so rich....yet rather than count the blessings, people choose to find fault.

Everyone complains about wars and terrorists; but how can we expect to get along on a universal level we we can't even get along as friends, and neighbors, and colleagues?

I am glad to be home and away from that awkward rehearsal. Home is my refuge. My little corner of the world. I am safe here. I am at peace here. And I refuse to let the outside world enter my little world.
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