Monday, January 24, 2011

Teeter-Totter Champions

Our weather yesterday was unseasonably warm for this corner of the world. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was shorts and t-shirt weather, but to my girls it was.

Donald suggested they go outside and ride the teeter-totter,

"Go try to set a new world record or something," he said.

I, of course, knew he was making a reference to that classic Brady Bunch episode; you've seen it, haven't you?

Anyways, the girls went out - in their shorts - to teeter-totter in the 'warm' January air. At one point I stepped out to snap a few pictures; they were counting every up-and-down.

"341, 342, 343..."

And on and on they teeter-tottered until Alexandra proclaimed that she needed to make a trip to the ladies room. The total was 1060 at that point. A few minutes [and a few oatmeal cookies] later they picked back up right where they left off.

"1061, 1062, 1063...."

Watch out Bobby and Cindy, there are new teeter-totter champions in town.
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