Monday, June 2, 2008

Back at Home

They discharged Elisabeth from the hospital yesterday, but we're not out of the woods yet. The spasms are still occurring but it doesn't mean that the treatment is necessarily failing. Her neurologist said that some children stop immediately after the first injection, and some take a little longer. Maybe today will be the day they stop :)

She also had one of her 'regular' seizures yesterday morning. I had not seen one of those for a long time and was surprised that it happened because they have her on a very high dose of seizure medication. The ACTH therapy that she's undergoing is supposed to cure the infantile spasms, but will not do anything to correct her normal epileptic seizures.

I was thinking back to my blog post one week ago today. We were returning from vacation and I wrote that I was looking forward to a "quiet week of normal". Obviously that didn't happen....but maybe soon. I feel so behind on everything and have tons of catch up work to do. Not just from being in the hospital for the past 4 days, but from being out of town for the 2 weeks before that! Today will be dedicated to getting things back in order. Wish me luck!

Thank you all for the encouragement that you have given me while I was in the hospital with Elisabeth. It was so uplifting to receive cheerful comments from friends and family, as well as those who just happened to stumble upon my blog. Thank you also for the prayers that have been offered on her behalf. We have felt so many blessings come our way!

Elisabeth in her hospital bed

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