Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Book Shoppe

For months now I've been thinking that I need to stop neglecting my little book shoppe. So I've been collecting and gathering and building my inventory. In fact, my house is overflowing with books - they seem to be piled in every available nook and cranny.

Over the next few weeks I will be busy piecing them together into attractive little book bundles and listing them in my shoppe. All proceeds will go directly to our adoption fund (you may not know this...but adopting is enough to put one in the poor house!).

So feel free to hop on over there and browse. 
And if you so feel inclined, buy a book or two!

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Remember, there will be new listings going up daily, so keep checking! 

(I think I'll get some paper crane garlands listed too if I can get my act together.) 

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