Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Together We Shall Sing

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A blue flag marks our 'next travel destination' on our world map in the parlor.

I clearly remember what it was like to be pregnant with my first child, Alexandra. How I knew that there was a life growing within me, that I was going to be a mother, that there would be an actual baby in my arms - yet it still seemed...unbelievable. It was hard to imagine what she would look like, what her talents would be, what life would be like with her in our home.

But it happened. 

Now I am feeling those feelings again. I know that on the other side of the globe there is a little girl living in an orphanage; I am going to be her mother and I will hold her and hug her and love her. Yet it is still unbelievable. It's that new-mother feeling all over again. But with every day that goes by it becomes more of a reality. I see new pictures; I learn more about her. 

The night before last I dreamt about my new little girl for the first time: It was our first meeting. She approached me and said my name in a soft and tender voice, and then I hugged her. And with that hug I felt love for her - a mothers love - flood through my body. She was mine and I was hers. 

I think about her daily. I wonder what she is doing on the other side of the world; what things she is learning at school, what she is eating, what she is wearing, how she feels about all the changes that have and are happening in her young life. 

Yesterday I learned of her birth mother's wish for her: 

"I would like the child to become a good singer of spiritual songs." 

My heart soared. I can do that. I can teach her music.

It's all becoming a reality.

Together we shall sing.

Monday, April 29, 2013


We're all a little under the weather.

Poor Elisabeth got it real bad.

I took her to the urgent care on Saturday morning to be told that she had a double ear infection and bronchitis. Needless to say, I didn't get to conquer quite as much on my to-do list as I had originally hoped...but the list can wait, right?

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I would say that snuggling is/was a productive use of time.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Live and Learn

What I learned this week:

Always have extra strings on hand. Always. 

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Second lesson learned: 

When you don't have extra strings on hand - and you have to perform - borrow a string from one of your other violins.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Week in Pictures

What my week looked like:

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Planning For Number Four

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QE says, 'Hooray! Warm Spring weather is finally here!'

 It's Friday! The weekend is upon us and I have a nice long list of things I want to accomplish (including conquering the upstairs linen closet!) Also, I want to read up more on Ethiopia. We are three months or so from our first trip (give or take). I can't believe this is really happening! 

And while we are on the topic of the adoption, I suddenly realized that I need to start getting things ready here on the home front. For example...our new little one needs a bed. We know she is going to share a room with Lorelai, but should we buy another twin bed? Or should we go with a bunk? I'm leaning towards a single twin. After all, she is coming from an orphanage and has never had anything of her own - she'd probably love having her own bed in her own little corner of the room, right? 

Oh, how excited I am getting!!

p.s. Our new little one (Ethiopia doesn't allow me to share her name on social media yet) is our fourth child, but she comes third in line age-wise. So do I call her my fourth child? Or my third? Or fourth for now while I am waiting for her to come home? And then she takes over her rightful spot as the third child when she gets here?  I have so many thoughts running through my mind, can you tell?!

p.p.s. Her name is soooooooo beautiful

p.p.p.s. She is sooooooo beautiful, too!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Old School

As Alexandra was leaving for school I handed her her library book that was due. She let the back cover fall open and I heard her ask,  

"What's this?"

She stood looking with curiosity at an old checkout card tucked into a pocket.

Quickly, I explained how libraries worked in the old days, and all the while I was thinking how quickly times change. How something that seemed so ordinary - like a library checkout card - had become extinct sometime between my childhood and hers.

A moment later, Lorelai walked in. "What's that?" she asked.

Take two.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Reminder

Note to self:

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Buy new tulips.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Feed the Birds

(Or chase 'em.)

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[Look familiar? This was the tree we sat under for family pictures last Fall.] 

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Let's Go Ride a Bike

On Saturday I put Elisabeth in the Taga and we set off on a two mile ride. I took the last picture below just as we left, you'll notice Alexandra and Lorelai both on their bikes - in front of me. Well, by the time we got to the end of the street I had pulled ahead. And by the time we had gone around the corner and one block over, they were complaining about how hard it was and how tired they were. 

Say what?! 

"Girls," I said. "I am 33 years old and not in good shape. How in the world am I leaving you in the dust?" 

By the time we got home I had made up my mind: we are going out on a bike ride every day after school (with the exception of ballet/gymnastics days). 

And it starts today. 

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Strap those helmets on girls, we have some biking to do.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Live and Learn

What I learned this week:

Don't assume that just because I know about violins, I know about guitars.

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Turns out all that guitar shopping was for naught. We purchased the wrong kind. 

Apparently, even within the family of acoustic guitars there are specific requirements for playing in a classical style. 

Who knew!? 

Anyways, the one we bought is going back and they are ordering us one that will work!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Week in Pictures

What my week looked like: 

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