Thursday, March 13, 2014

I'm a Sucker for School Assemblies

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[Lex, playing in the marimba band. Elsa, standing with the kindergarten choir.]
For some reason, when I was young and daydreaming of being a mother, I would often imagine my children singing in school assemblies. Something about school assemblies just seems classic childhood - right along with leap frog and rolling down hills.

Because of my love of assemblies, I was completely tickled to see Elsa sing in her very first one this afternoon! She stood about a head taller than all the other kindergartners and sang her heart out. And - like always when I see her do something new - I thought, "Look how far she's come!".

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 Elsa brought this home to me today:

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A notice for her first parent/teacher conference. You'll notice that in the upper right hand corner it says "good news!"  

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